In 1958, Rev. Jack Wangerin was called to Stony Point as a missionary with the goal of organizing a Lutheran glassrose300Church. In December 1959, Atonement was established as a mission. His mission proved successful when in 1961 on Easter Sunday, Atonement Lutheran Church held it’s first service and was incorporated. During the early years, the congregation met in various places, including a laundromat, auto parts store, girl scout camp and a funeral home. In 1963, Atonement purchased the property that the church sits on today, and a building was constructed in 1964. Our current building was built in 1988. Atonement is the only Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in Rockland County.
In February 2009, Atonement held its first commissioning service for a Deacon, and in May 2009, held an ordination and installation of pastor, Rev. David J. Russert, who served as lay minister from 2002-2012.
Rev. Martin Tyce has been serving as Head Pastor since his installation May 2012. He has just recently hit the 10 year Anniversary, and a Party was held May 2022 in celebration.
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