What Lutherans Believe…

Three Ecumenical Creeds

 Statements of beliefs, not additions to the Bible; they support the Bible’s teachings.


Apostle’s Creed


The oldest summary of Christian beliefs; tells the basic principles of the Bible; is used for general confession and religious teachings.

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Nicene Creed


States basic beliefs about God; that He is TRIUNE – three persons in one God; tells about His works in the world.

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Athanasian Creed


Summarizes the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and emphasizes the importance of Christ, who is true God and true Man in one person.

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Man is JUSTIFIED (saved) not by his own merit, but only by God’s grace.
— Martin Luther

The Bible is the Word of God

Absolute truth; it shows God in action. The Bible is preached in its truth and purity.

Two Sacraments


Prayer is an important aspect of daily living as Christians share their thoughts with God and He speaks to His people through His Word.


The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is the Body and Blood of Christ borne by bread and wine in Holy Communion. Christ’s Body and Blood in, with, and under the bread and wine offers Christians a direct encounter with God – Christ’s body and blood are actually present “in, with, under” bread and wine. Christ again comes among us to forgive our sins, helps us to live truly Christian lives.


Baptism establishes a new life in man, remakes him in God’s spirit. Each Christian is baptized, many as infants, in order to mark the death of the sinful man in us and the rebirth into holy life – Christ’s life.

Above is the Baptism of Colin John Clement, on November 8th, 2020.

performed by Rev. Martin A. Tyce & Guest Rev. Kenneth J. Doka


An accurate interpretation of the Word of God written to correct church errors.

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Augsburg Confession

Stresses the doctrine of SALVATION by GRACE through faith in Christ as the center of the Christian faith, and the importance of the Bible and Christian doctrines in Christian religion. It also testifies against the abuses of the medieval church which Luther sought to correct.


Apology of the Augsburg Confession

Gives an explanation of the Augsburg Confession and a defense against enemies who would destroy the church.


Smalcald Articles

Martin Luther’s “last will and testament” – states the doctrine of the Trinity and Deity of Christ; emphasizes the central doctrine of Christianity: “we are saved only through faith in Christ.”

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Formula of Concord

was written to unify the church, which had been disorganized for 30 years; officially approves all the earlier Lutheran confessions.


Luther’s Catechisms

Luther’s Small & Large Catechisms seek to explain and teach the six chief parts of the Bible: God’s Law (The Ten Commandments), the Gospel (death and resurrection of Jesus Christ), Lord’s Prayer, Baptism (water), Lord’s Supper (bread/body & wine/blood), and God’s Forgiveness to children (small) and to adults(large).



Worship is offered in reverence to Jesus Christ as God’s own son, came into the world to save all mankind from sin,

in His death and resurrection from the dead. We celebrate His presence among us and invite all who

would believe to find strength and comfort in His Word and Sacrament on a weekly basis.